Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Cow Parsley

The hedgerows are full of green and white. Green, as the hedges grow new leaves after the winter. White, from the huge swathes of cow parsley in the verges, white flowers on the hawthorn bushes, white "candles" on the horse chestnut trees.

The best views are on the roadside. I see them as I drive through the countryside, from one village to another. Unfortunately for blogging purposes, the most impressive shows have no convenient places to stop for photographs.

cow parsley, a type of English wild flower

1 comment:

Connie said...

Hi Penny,
thanks for leaving a comment on my gloves post in my blog. Your Isabella is looking lovely and your course of study sounds so interesting! I think one of my colleagues' mother is one of the deans at Open University - Robin Mason. I studied physics myself - which I guess is obvious by the name of my blog :)