If someone you knew was going on a business trip to a country famed for its silk, and was possibly going to get a chance to go shopping, but even if they did, they were only taking hold luggage so they couldn't bring back much: under those circumstances, what would be a good amount of silk to bring back? How much would one need to make a dress?
Having got that out of the way, Vicky has tagged me for a meme: to write eight random things about myself.
- 1) My favourite film used to be Star Wars: it was the first film I positively wanted to see. I don't really have a favourite any longer.
- I don't find trousers particularly comfortable so I rarely wear them. If I could find a comfortable but stylish make I'd probably wear them more.
- I go to a Pilates class most weeks.
- I had a haircut this morning.
- I can't help wondering if this is the same meme as the seven random things meme, but one of them mutated. That is a random thing about me: I was also temped to search out my faithful D8 to put these in a random order.
- I have had an online presence for more then 10 years. I started on Usenet (sometimes called Netnews: some "google groups" are actually usenet groups).
- When I do left-brain/right-brain quizzes, I tend to come out fairly evenly balanced.
- My two favourite subjects at school were maths and English.
I'm now supposed to tag some other people, but I don't really like doing that (what if they say no?) So, if anyone wants to be tagged, consider yourself tagged (Rosamundi? Ferret? If you aren't too busy.)